

Students are eligible to travel to and from school on the bus if they live more that 3.2km from school.  Please discuss this with the Principal when you enrol your child.

As there is one bus that services the two bus runs careful organisation is required.

Parental attention to the following points is requested:-

  • Please ensure your child is on time for the bus
  • A high standard of behaviour is expected to ensure greatest safety
  • Prior approval (a note from home or phone call to the office) is required for non-regular passengers
  • Bus children will be expected to travel unless a note, phone call, entry on the bus list outside the staff room or personal approach to the On-Duty Teacher indicates otherwise.
First Run: Teapot Valley

Arrives at school in the morning 8.15

Leaves school:  3pm

Second Run: Wairoa Gorge

Arrives at school in the morning 8.35am

Leaves school in afternoon. 3.25pm