New Entrant Enrolment
New Entrant Enrolment
Although there is no need to enrol your child until the day he/she starts school, we do appreciate early advice and enrolment forms and general school information is available at the office for this purpose.
We have a Transition to School Programme that will start approximately 6 – 8 weeks prior to your child turning 5. Lynley Bryce (new entrant teacher) will contact you to invite you along to these sessions. This is an opportunity to bring your child along to school one afternoon each week leading up to their birthday. The children will be involved in a range of activities including singing simple songs, listening to stories and completing a related activity. This is a chance for children (and parents) to familiarise themselves with the environment, meet their classroom teacher and learn simple learning routines. You or a caregiver are required to stay with your child during these sessions.
Your child will also have a minimum of 2 classroom visits – one in the afternoon and one in morning (including lunchtime) so they gain a picture of a ‘normal’ classroom day.
Your child’s teacher will also arrange to visit your child at their pre-school setting. This provides an opportunity to further build relationships, get to know your child’s interests and also speak with their pre-school teacher.
The actual enrolment is made at the office, usually with the Principal. You may do this during one of the orientation visits or on the first day. Please note that we need to sight a birth certificate at enrolment time, so please bring one with you. You are also now required (by law) to bring your child’s Immunisation Certificate if you have one (available from your family doctor). If your child is not immunised, please let us know so that we can make a note of this.

All stationery requirements are available at the school office.
If you have a child turning 5 please contact the school office early (12 months in advance) as this allows us to plan and organise staffing accordingly. All we need initially is your child’s name and date of birth and your contact details.
If you have any questions or queries regarding enrolment, please contact the office, Lynley Bryce (new entrant teacher) or Aimee Sinclair (Deputy Principal).