Safety Information

Class trips / Parent transport

Class outings can add a lot of value to our learning programmes. We very much appreciate the assistance of those parents who are able to help with transport on our class trips. Without these trips there would be less opportunity to take our learning out of the classroom and / or greater costs for alternative transport options.

Emergency Contacts

Parents are asked to ensure that the school office always has an up-to-date list of emergency contact phone numbers (i.e. the phone number of someone we may phone if you are not available).

Internet Safety

All students are requested to sign a Cyber Safety Use Agreement to raise awareness of the dangers associated with the use of the internet.  These are completed at enrolment and then are renewed each year.

Road and Cycle Safety

The Police recommend that only children who are 10 years old should ride bikes/scooters to school unaccompanied by an adult. All bikes & scooters are to be kept in the bike racks during school hours. Please chain these to the racks.

School Grounds

Children and parents are welcome to make use of the school grounds during daylight outside of school hours; children are the responsibility of their parents at these times.