School Information

General Information

At Brightwater school we have put together a wide range of school related information, policies and guidelines to help you and your child. If you cannot find the answers to your questions please feel free to contact us and we will help.


At Brightwater School we take the safety of our staff and pupils seriously.  We have put together some useful information to help ensure we all stay safe. Please read through it carefully.


The health and well-being of both staff and pupils is vital to the success of Brighwater School. We work closely with parents, caregivers and community health professionals to provide a healthy environment.


Brighwater School has a wide range of sports opportunities for our pupils. We have a number of great sports facilities and resources in the local and surrounding area which help to run our sports programs. Our school pool is also available during the Summer months for swimming lessons and activities.


Our school t-shirt will be worn to most sporting activities throughout the year.  Some codes have separate uniforms and these will be issued to teams or individuals as required throughout the year.


A full range of stationery is available for purchase from the school office.   At the beginning of each year a pack of all requirements is available for you to purchase for your child.

Emergency Procedures

Fire drills, earthquake drills and lock-down drills are carried out each term to ensure that children are familiar with our emergency procedures, should an event occur.  Please keep your contact details up to date and inform the school office of any changes in case we need to contact you in an emergency.